F1 technical details

What happened to the F1 page?  For years I left a free copy of the F1 lines here on the web that people could work from for personal use.   It was a great idea with the unintended consequence that a lot of boats got made that paddled terribly.  

The F1 is a tricky boat to build, there are a couple of shaping relationships that push the extreme edges of what is possible in a hard chine kayak and still maintain clean flow.  This is the secret sauce in my designs and what has protected me from piracy.  The width of the lines alone when measured off the survey are enough to get it wrong, so I decided it's time for the free lines to come to an end. 

However, and this is a big however, I have created a 21 HOUR online course, and a 17 PAGE plan set on the new site.  It costs real money, but in my estimation, it makes more sense to spend an extra $200 and end up with a boat you'll love.  Don't take my word for it though.  There are free sample plans and almost half the course is up for free.  Check it out, decide for yourself, and whether you build my boat or someone elses, be safe, and have fun.

Plans and videos here